- I looked at further examples of smiles in existing media products
- I wanted to see different representations of smiles and what effect they create, especially on audience e.g. do they provoke fear, comedy, etc
- Unlike the Joker make up these examples are masks rather than a painted face which makes the face even more inhuman and therefore disturbing
The Mask
- The masks smile is not necessary the main focus of his appearance however the bright white toothy grin does create a disconcerting feeling for the audience
- The mask's character does provoke an uneasy feeling with the audience as his constant grin can be creepy
- The thin lips also add to the creepy smile however when considering make up for our teaser trailer I think a thicker and larger lips would create more of an impact
- Also the harsh, defined structure of his face adds to the abnormity and irregularity of The mask
Cheshire Cat
- Although the Cheshire cat is an animated character I still think the smile is note worthy
- The smile spreads across the face and so creates a massive grin which can be seen as quite strange and eerie almost
- This example has made me think about having our smile spread across the face for a more unnatural and uneasy look which will provoke a more scary image

- In smiley a mask is used and strays completely from a normal human face but instead uses a emoticon like smiley face, that is like a childish drawing
- The mask is grotesque however as it looks fleshy and that the face has been carved into skin
- The gashes have been stitched up which makes the mask even more disgusting to look at
Overall by looking at further examples I have been able to see different approaches to how a smile can be portrayed and see what effect it would have on the audience.
I have seen that exaggerated smiles can form eerie and grotesque looking characters and we want the smile make up to look creepy so these examples have provided inspiration on what our final outcome could be like
Amy Freeman
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