Tuesday 23 October 2012

Make up testing - Face paint

  • As a development from my smile make up research I have been testing different potential make up looks and methods that we could use in our teaser trailer
  • Here I have looked more at a comical smile which still however provokes an eerie/creepy effect on the audience
  • The photographs show the process step by step that I took to create this smile make up look
The process:
  • In order to create this look I used red, white, black face paint, white eyeliner and black eyeliner
  • Firstly I outline the smile shape using the white eyeliner which allowed me to ensure the both sides were even and provided a guide line to paint over
  • Once I had done this I used white cream face make up to fill in the smile shape all with white paint, this was my base  
  • I allowed this to dry and then began outlining the smile with red face paint to form the exaggerated lips 
  • I then roughly drew on teeth using the black eyeliner, I painted over the lines with black face paint to define the teeth
  • I began to shape the teeth more and making it look more like a toothy grin as I outlined them with black face paint
  • Then I outlined the lips with a black line using the black face paint to make the smile more dramatic and bold 
  • After this to add more depth, tone and shadow to the lips I blended the solid black line with the red lips which I think make the look overall more dark and sinister looking 
  • Photographs below are the final result of this smile make up look - I think that the make up creates a creepy, disturbing looking face and the exaggerated smile looks forced and dominants the face
Amy Freeman

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