Thursday 6 December 2012

Evaluation of filming the 'mouldy food'

        The original party food from the master was kept so that we could do extreme close ups of the food. This time however, the food was meant to be off, so look mouldy.


We put all the different foods in separate bowls and with the cakes Amy gouged out little holes and used green food colouring and a paint brush to dab it onto the cakes and make it look mouldy. We also crumpled the other foods to make it look like they had been sitting there for a long period of time. Once the cakes looked mouldy enough we had previously bought live maggots, and poured a few onto each of the bowls so that it added to the effect that the food had been kept for a long time.

         The bowls were then in appropriate places, and the artificial lighting was quite bright in order to fully see the maggots move around. For the extreme close ups we handheld the camera instead of a tripod as we could get a lot closer to the bowls.
    We individually filmed extreme close ups of each bowl so that you could see the full extend of the mouldy food, maggots and disintegrated parts. We suffered no problems except from trying to get extremely close to a biscuit as the camera didn't focus naturally, this just meant to had to re take that certain shot.

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