Monday 25 February 2013

Music Box.

  • For part of the sound we recorded a music box playing. It was a traditional music box which played a child like tune. This helped our trailer conform to the stereotype that child like music is played to make something become creepier. There were two music box sounds we could have chosen, the first being the pink one which is being used in the teaser trailer as it is more girly.
  • For the second music box we recorded the sound as it was a better lullaby which was more appropriate to use in our trailer.
  • At first we recorded almost 30 seconds of the music, however we only needed to use around 5 seconds so we split the sound clip until we had just the right amount and it began and finished at an appropriate point. 
  • We decided to place the sound of the music box playing as the production company was fading out, so we started the tune quietly and increased the volume as different clips started playing.

    Reversed music box.
  • Half way through we added a synthesised drum beat which was played alongside the opening credits 'It's all fun and games' when this is played we reversed the music box sound so that it became scarier, we also increased the volume so that it built up suspense for what was coming.

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