Monday, 1 October 2012

Dead Set: Trailer Deconstruction

  • No use of titles other than typography and channel logo at the end. Keeps continuity and adds to realism and drama because it is uninterrupted. When typography is used it follows conventions of a horror and is red on a black back ground.
  • Starting the trailer with an eviction night makes it clear that the programmed is based on big brother and is effective for appealing to the target audience who may have an interest in the show.  Also, this follows common conventions and starts the trailer in equilibrium.
  •  The use of former housemates and the actual presenter of the show are effective for promoting the programme because at the time they were well known amongst the target audience and would be instantly recognised by fans of the reality show through the use of mid shots. Also, this makes the fictional version seem more real.
  • The trailer includes a short montage. These high paced shots with screaming sounds are used very effectively and combined with cuts of a blank black screen and no sound. I think that the juxtaposition of a piercing sound followed by silence is very effective for making the audience feel uncomfortable and could be inspirational to our own teaser trailer if we choose a horror genre.
  •  Point of view shots from the zombies are used with sound to bring the trailer in to disequilibrium.  This follows conventions of the ‘villain’ not being seen. However, the trailer goes on to use a lot of close ups and mid shots of the zombies. I think that this is appropriate for the slasher genre as the gore is a key element. Also, revealing the zombies in large numbers and using various shots shows the extent of the problem which adds to the horror element. 

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