- Use of close ups and extreme close ups – used to focus in or establish details of main characters and plot
- Aerial shot of explosion then zoomed in
- Many close ups one after the other of explosion – perhaps portrays the impact of the explosion and hint as to its importance in the plot
- CCTV footage – conveys idea of surveillance
- Pans around characters to suggest their importance to the audience and establish them as the main character
- Reverse action of the explosion runs parallel to non diegetic voice over ‘the key to stopping disaster’
- Faced paced montage of action clips towards end of trailer identifies its genre
- Repetition of the opening clip and production company disorientates and confuses the audience at first but then it becomes apparent it shows the idea of déjà vu
- Long exposure to track and show movement, gives a sense of prolonged time and surveillance
- Voiceover used throughout trailer – addresses and questions the audience which creates involvement
- Non diegetic voice over ‘if you think it’s just a feeling look again’ – involves the audience and creates enigma
- Dramatic /climatic music is paused for joke ‘my bad’ – creates humour which breaks up constant action in the trailer
- Non diegetic sounds of camera shutters and police sirens suggests genre to the audience
- Non diegetic music is paused for sudden diegetic sound of the explosion for impact on the audience
Mise en scene
- Close up shot of ‘U CAN SAV HER’ in fridge magnets hints towards the plot of the film and identifies the character as a hero
- Mise en scene in surveillance room establishes that this could be a sci-fi action film
- Titles throughout are black and white images which contrasts the coloured images of the rest of the trailer
- Extreme close up of a girl’s eye suggests vulnerability as it invades her personal space and suggests she is the girl that needs saving and is the victim in the film
- Ending titles are black and white in bold font showing actors names and production companies

- Conveys idea of déjà vu and creates an impact on the audience as it captures their attention from the beginning repetitive sequence
- Genre is conveyed through action clips shown in the trailer and defines plot well
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