Monday 22 October 2012

Make up testing - 3D gel

  • From my research into smile face make up I recreated the 'Chelsea grin' look which we are considering using in our trailer
  • In order to create this look I used 3D gel (as shown in picture), fake blood, food colouring, concealer, powder, black eyeliner and eyeshadow
  • I firstly built up the scar with the 3D gel which worked well having a base to work on top of
  • After the gel had set slightly it still didn't blend with my skin as it was shiny so I used concealer to blend the gel with my skin, this achieved a more matt look
  • The issue I was having with the gel is that it is quite sticky and so in order to prevent this I added powder, I also found this helped further with blending it with my skin
  • I then filled in the gap I created with black eyeliner which gave a sense of depth to the cut
  • I wanted the skin around the scar to look bruised so I used various shades of brown, purple, pink and red eyeshadows to give this impression
  • Finally I used a paint brush to fill in the gap over the eyeliner with fake blood to give a congealed blood look and then dripped blood so it would look like the wound was bleeding
  • The fake blood on its own was too bright and wasn't realistic enough so I mix a bit of red food colouring and brown paint with the fake blood to achieve a more realistic deeper blood red
  • I am pleased with the outcome of the make up and the effect it has, I will continue my make up testing and research using different techniques and make up to decide which looks best and most effective

Amy Freeman

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