Sunday 3 March 2013

Website Plan

The criteria for our website:

  • User Friendly
  • Trailer must play automatically on homepage
  • Only fit to one web page

This image shows the planned layout and colours of our homepage on the website.

  • Black background- conforms to conventions of horror genre and plain allows other creative features to show up well.
  • Image of antagonist- will be large at side of page, divereting the audiences attention and create the feeling of being watched. Will also use a similar image to the poster to create continuity.
  • Typography- The same used on the poster makes it consistant and recognisable.
  • Other Text- "You are invited to Lucy's" "Birthday Party" "RSVP here..."ned as small white font. We have now decided to make a simple typography for this text that will be the same as our tag line on our poster. This will be consistant in a hot pink colour, playing on the horror conventions of using subliminal red and adapting it to fit with the girly personality of our antagonist.
  • Links to social convergance- a common convention all film website, ideal for us to connect with a young audience using social networking.
  • Trailer playing automatically- making the website user friendly and a useful way of intreauging the audience and ensuring that they see the trailer.
  • Critic quotes- a common convention of all film websites to create hype about the film by reassuring and persuading the audience.

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